Good Times, my friend!!
Boy O Boy!! What a whirlwind lately!! That satan is a SOB!! #IAMSERiOUS folks!! Not going to go into what he has been doing lately...

Have you EVER...???
**WARNING!! THERE ARE PICS ON THIS PAGE THAT ARE X-RATED eyes ONLY! FoSho'Nuff!! Seen Lightning Bugs mate? Whoopi? Have sex?...

Hello, HONEY!!
Geez Louise! Has it really been SPRING since I last wrote to you internet?? Mah BAAD! Anyhoo - how is you? Good?!? That's wonderful! ...
Bonjourno Spring!! Hello? Spring? Are you there??
Red Rover, Red Rover - send Springs unpredictable ass'ole on over!! FoSho!! Stop messing around!! Cause it ain't funny at'all!! Your...

SpRANGola - is IN the air, y'all!!
I must admit - I was beginning to think that, indeed, we MIGHT just miss out on an early Spring this year.. Mmmbut suspicions LEFT...

Happy 2018..
2017 is out!! 2018 is IN!! & boy OH BOY - did she come in a bizotch?!? 2 DEGREES OUTSIDE!! MMmhmm.. PAINful I tell yeah! Mother...

Tony Nudo
'Nooz U CAN yewz!
Guten Tag!!.. ALL you precious lovely innernet people.. It's been since September since I talked to you all - so I figured it was...

Tony Nudo
A Mom Update
Mom is still @ Alexian, & doing very well. She is now walking & the new hip is PREMO!! On another subject- I got a new little brother.....

Tony Nudo

Tony Nudo
~Mom Update~
Mom is up N at em this morning!! Therapy went well.. NOW?? Time to go clean the house 😕.. Alexian (the therapy facility she's at),...
Mom officially transferred...
Mom was transferred to Physical Therapy @ Alexian Villiage on Signal Mountain... NO MO HOSPITAL (chair sleepin' for me, FOSHO!) She is in...
Mom's surgery...
Mom, as of today, has a new hip.. The surgery went very very well!! The surgeon, Dr. Spitolly, said he made mom's left leg an 8th of an...
Mom Updates...
Last Thursday - mom had a bad fall. For the past week - we have spent at home nursing her leg, & myself? Transferring her to and from...

Tony Nudo
For them who 'think' they can drive- but 'reality says NO'!!
Spiting advice on 'some drivers'.. namely ones.. who.. seem to believe that they can drive the 'W Road' winding up Signal Mtn,...