HAPPY 2017 y'all
Hey all! Hope your all doing well and dandy like candy... I am on vaca stay this week and maan it feels good - let it never end!! EVER and NEVER! I love it!! To the 'few' who've ask - the new Biblical Legends.com site is going sweetly! I am soo so glad to finally get it going! It's going BETTER than I imagined thus faar!! That is ALWAYS a sweet sweet thang! Vacations ARE a wonderous thing. I guess I am just discovering that. I used to NOT like taking them.. It was just 'too HARD' to go back - but the 'ol saying - 'you change as you get older',,, is true lol.
BTW - for those following my Biblical Legends.com journey.. Here is a taste JUST FO YAH! This is 'REPORTEDLY' what is left of Jesus' crown of thorns. VERRRY cool in itself just thinking of the possibilities of it!! :)

So mmhmmm.. thaaat's about it fo now... Take it easy (like George & Weezie) ....thenudo - OUghT!