Happy Summer, Y'all (Pics of momma's urn, are IN THE MIX, as well)..
Well.. HOWDY DOODY RUDY (NOT Huxtable,, FoSho!!) 👍 Hope all of yous Summer is going swimmingly & that God is blessing you with blessings that can ONLY be found in His Son, Christ Jesus!! WoW!! What a summer!!! Lots-O-things going on; yet, nuttin!! 😉 Just taking this one easy as I can; being the first without momma! 😥😭 I'm glad for her howev!! Just the other night, I went out - looked up at the stars that my Dad flung into the skies (for me and you).. & thought of momma!! Then smiled and thought, "YOU RASCAL!! You're up there with Jesus, granny, Loretta, Stacey, my Aunts and Uncs (who've went on!).. Having the TIME OF YOUR LIFE, and I am still down here mourning you!!" I really AM happy for momma though... Months nearing her passing - she got to where she would always say.. "now when I move to heaven..." & in my usual way - I'd stop her, saying, we need not talk about that right now.." And she'd just smile.. I wish now I woulda listened more.. It'd be nice to have some of those lines in the memory bank right now.. 😉
Speaking OF... Momma's urn arrived just the other day and LOOKS AWESOME!! Christy & her hubby at "Custom Memorials," did a GREAT job!! It was WELL WORTH the 7 month wait!! WELLL WORTH it!! I am attaching some photos for you (tho, the photos REALLY REALLY DON'T do justice to the seeing it in person).. Solid granite marble I tell yah!; and...
AGAAIN! I hope you're ALL having the GREATEST summer ever.. Staying cool and stuff ~ HOPEFULLY within a pool somewhere!! 😉