Hello, HONEY!!
Geez Louise! Has it really been SPRING since I last wrote to you internet?? Mah BAAD! Anyhoo - how is you? Good?!? That's wonderful! What a crazy non lazy summer it's been here in 2018!! Anyone seee it swing BY?? Cause I surely didn't!! I can't believe it is AUGUST One already!! Hot-wise... it's not been too bad..
I been working on a "training video" for Big Brothers Big Sisters.. Which I can attest.. If your looking for a VERY rewarding way of volunteering in your community - Big Bros Big Sisters is a GREAT way to do it!! For those interested in seeing the training video, click here.. It's a GREAT program for volunteering & you REALLY DO make a difference in a young boy or girls life.. & in turn? They make a difference in YOURS!! Find the nearest Big Brothers Big Sisters agency nearest to where YOU are- click.. Here!
I have recieved quite a few eMails on my site, Biblical Legends.. Many of the links are broken!! I AM aware and am working on fixing them.. The site I was linking my photo arrays to, went BELLY UP.. REALLY screwing up my site as links go! GRRRRiiisshh! I am working hard to fixy fixy!! I will update you via the subscription once ALL the links are fixed! To subscribe to 'updates' from the site.. Simply go to BiblicalLegends.com - & scroll down to 'SUBSCRIBE for eMail updates." Or you can click here!!
Yesum!! That's about it for this August One, 2018, RAINY day atop Signal Mountain, Tennessee... I have also posted the "Bass Fishing Shindig" video.. Where my lil bro Bubba catches his FiRST bass!! Woot Woot!!

Hope your having a GREAT GREAT summer....
Ohhhh - I almost forgot.. If you DON'T know who Avery Molek is?? You REALLY should!! Amazement is just a click away! FoSho!! ;)