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Bonjourno Spring!! Hello? Spring? Are you there??

Red Rover, Red Rover - send Springs unpredictable ass'ole on over!! FoSho!!

Stop messing around!! Cause it ain't funny at'all!!

Your MORE than welcome to thow that cold hearted, bitter critter of-a-facit, & 'no doubt', the UNEQUIVICAL BLACK SHEEP of the nature family, Old Man Winter's ass out the DOOR!! FoSho!! Yesum - he appears to be showing his shit & misbehaving again! His time is up!! He's old & forgetful, FoSho!! I am waiting, mah tulips are waiting, my odd ass tree wants her leaves, & the house next door seems to appear to be smoking from the roof!! Old Man Winter, indeed, has overstayed his overbearing welcome! So c'mon Spring!! Punch the ol' mans arse OUUT, & your timecard and take duty, & knock Ol Man Winter, OFF his arrogant duty!! FoShuly!

MMmyeah.. So how are yah internet?? Things could be better here!! Long story.. Dealing with money hungry jerks are a pain in the ass! I am speaking of 'A COMPANY' whom has EXCELLENT customer service... That IS!... Until you have a complaint about your bill!! To make up for the jerks - is always something good!! Like the fact that NOW has FULL episodes of Unsolved Mysteries WITH ROBERT STACK!! I have been waiting so so long for this beauty-filled shat!! YAAAY!

Taking advantage of this 2018 Spring angle that Ol Man Winter 'HASN'T' tried to hone in on! Pssh! My little brother & I took a hike along BEAUTIFUL Signal Mountain's Cumberland Trail.. MAJESTIC!! To say the LEAST!! Fish from the Tennessee riveen jump up on the trail trying to join us! I shat you NOT!! It's now


Will check back in upon Spring checking into FULL-TIME duty!! MmHmm!!

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