Tony Nudo
A Diamond in the Ruff..
One of my funnest!! IMO!!

Tony Nudo
My goodknee.. mucho info 2 get 2
What a hellofa last week or so- what with the weather going psyco like a low fico score.. Ye ol tree 'bit ol dust'.. you can see my...

Tony Nudo
Vaca is a WUNDA-FELL thang mmhmm yes 'tis!
Greets from my vacation! Life is great! I've gotten some much needed web work done.. & more to come! Check it out @ Biblical...

HAPPY 2017 y'all
Hey all! Hope your all doing well and dandy like candy... I am on vaca stay this week and maan it feels good - let it never end!! EVER...
Weekend Baloola
its the weekend! YAY! yAyloola!
It's SupaDupa Bowl SunDeee! MmmKaay?
Howdy doodle-dandy 'n happy Super Bowl Sunday to y-ou'ins! @thenudo is hoping (tho not confident) he will see Caleb the Camel this year! ...
HaPPY 2016 y'ALL!
it's 2016 ...YaY... if it has been goodies for you so far. Me? Agh! I needa get into it a bit more, I guess! I feel things will get...
Springage - where art thou?
Yessum.. hidy hi out there in webland.......psssSSsshhhttt...I is back yee-'all, yeehaw!! I seriously don't know it'd beean soo SO long...