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Happy Spring 2022 😋

ullo ALL! And happy Spring 2022! Seemed like (here anyway), it took getting the lead out for the cold winter air outta here this year.. Mmbut when winter FINALLY DID get the lead out - Spring came WONDERFULLY in! And stuck around about a week, left out early, and Summer has come in! Gee Spring.. THANKS! You didn't stay long before you gimped out,, & now?? Hot & HUMID is the name O the game! 😋

Just wanted to check in.. I know some have seen the muzac video I did back in 05 for the band CYCLE V.. The song was from the motion-picture film Flashdance.. (If not, you can see it below.. & if you HAVE seen it.. take another look again for the first time.. 😋

Here is the link.. ...

I'm honored & pleased to be heading back out on August 22, to Las Vegas to do another video with Frank Diminio (from Cycle V; and the band Autograph in the early 80s)..

More details are a coming!! As always ~ Stay tuned! 😋 Try to stay cool & HYDRAIDED out there! Seems the sun has only begun to pump/pimp out its heat! FoSho!!! 😋

BTW.. Touché to a dog groomer off Shallowford Road!! Very nice indeed!! 😂 🤣 👍👍



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