HaPPY 2016 y'ALL!
it's 2016 ...YaY... if it has been goodies for you so far. Me? Agh! I needa get into it a bit more, I guess! I feel things will get betta, however! Kinda like 2012 was -- FABULOUSoh!
FOsho! So far - my year has started kinda shitty - thank GOD for hope though! Have you ever been accused of lying something SOO outlandish, that... If you HAD lied about it? You woulda come up with something MUCHo better that the shit your accused of that - really - only someone NOT in their right mind woulda said. I LOATHE folks whom float lies and accuse others of it as non-chalantly as they float a fluff biscuit!! LOOOOATHE! Bitch! She knows who she is! And wouldn;t you know? From a distance looks all purties - then when you get a bit closer, she has a the face of a bullmoose pussy. Have you ever seen a bullmoose pussy?? It's HEINOUS fosho! ;P