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G'day Y'all fellow Inner-net Peeps..

BEEN AWHILE!!! Sorry about that! Won't happen a-GAIN! ((I don't think anyhoo!)) 🤥

Hard believing we're into November of 2019!!! Anyone SEE where the year went?? Cause I shore as shat DIDN'T!! This year flew by!! Which (in a way), is GOOD, I guess!! I thought this year would DRAG on because of my mom passing in December of last year. Working on several different ongoing and **NEW** projects...

Went to Illinois in September, to my grandmother & grampa's old house.. (it just sold 😔).. to get one last stay in the house.. Trek from start to finish, was captured on camera. It was the house of EVERY Christmas of my childhood.. Except one at age 13, & is being called "Christmas in September." Below is the FINAL (public) CUT.. Full film set to debut around December 1st. Hope you're all well!! Tis the season, so Happy Thanksgiving!! ;)

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