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Princess Ruby - January 2012


DAY ONE: Destination Ft. Lauderdale....
DAY TWO: Embarkation from Ft. Lauderdale....

Princess Ruby...

Mike and I on the Caribbean
The bro & I

Top Deck Tiki
This bar was a convert. Some of the bars on the ship are converts and they change to match whats going on - pretty coolio! Fo Sho nuff!

Looking out of the Cays..
@ Princess Cays..

Mike and I on the Caribbean
The bro & I
DAY THREE: Bahamas (Princess Cay)....
DAY FOUR: Cruisin' AT SEA....
DAY FIVE: St. Maarten, JAMAICA....
DAY SIX: Virgin Islands....
DAY SEVEN: Grand Turk....
DAY EIGHT: FINALE (somber)....
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