Vaca is a WUNDA-FELL thang mmhmm yes 'tis!
Greets from my vacation! Life is great! I've gotten some much needed web work done.. & more to come! Check it out @ Biblical ...
LOTS of cool new adds & MEGA thanks to Joshua Bernis in Israel! Photos of Moses' staff, belt worn by Mary (Jesus' mom), King David's scruples & scrolls, ORIGINAL scrolls from the hand of Moses himself (not the Biblical ones - these (I do believe) were from his personal collection. Most likely his 'blog' (as it'd be called in todays terms lol), & a SWELL GEM of a photo of Pharoah 2's mummified remains. For those not familiar - this woulda been the Pharoah 2 - that released the Israelites to Moses. That's just a few of the new gems you will see on the site.
Also - this ... "THE" sign that reads 'INRI' (the same sign that hung above Jesus on the cross!)