Momma, Karate Kid, & Thanksgiving..
Hey all!! Firstly, 'tis the season SOO, HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!
Firstly.. Update on momma!! She is recovering nicely in rehab.. Liking it (for the most part!!) The doc said from the size of the kidney stone, it had been in there for awhile.. Thus meaning, she'd most likely been in pain for awhile.. ISSSHH!! At least a little over a year.. So recovery will be awhile!! Months maybe.. So patience is a virtue!! Quite literally!! For her friends & family - I'll be posting updates here often!! She is recovering quite well...
There are a "few" films from my childhood that gave fuel, to the launch of a GREAT imagination for me.. One of them was DEFINITELY "The Karate Kid!!!" SOOO - to say I was excited to see a new YouTube original titled, "Cobra Kai" - DEFINITELY peaked my interest!! At first glance, I thought maybe it 'might', quite 'possibly, maybe be a remake, (YES - ANOTHER ONE!! Hasn't stopped Hollywood lately!!) But to click and see.. I was EXSTATIC to see that, indeed, it was an ADD-ON to the ORIGINAL Karate Kid..
Remember, Daniel's rival, Johnny, in the first Karate Kid?? Well this new series picks time up in modern day (WHICH I LOVE!!) Miyagi is dead (WHICH I HATE).. But Daniel Larusso is NOW a successful car dealership conglomerate who's rival is one of the original "Cobra Kai" goons.. & Johnny has now become a schlub who is barely making it in life!!
It's a YouTube Original (meaning you must have YouTube Prime, in order to see it.. But I have been HOOKED, LINE, & SINKER, since I found it this morning.. If you have YouTube Prime?? It's something you will DEFINATELY WANNA CHECK OUT!! If your not a YouTube Prime member?? IIIIIIIII??? Why the hell NOT?? Life on YouTube becomes GREET, as a Prime member!!! Nomo ads, popups, & SWEET originals like this!!😁 WELL DONE YouTube!!👍 WELL DONE!!!👍 I've rolled thru the first season in 2 days! Ready for season 2... C'mon widdit!! Absolutely & #FoSho!!